When parking, you will find plenty of spots in Blaengarw, or you can park up in one of several laybys on the A4107. You can also find some parking at Bwlch viewpoint, but if you choose to do so you will need to ride across country to the route’s start.
If you start from the A4107, leave the road and ride to the crest of Werfa, keeping the masts at its peak on your right. You’re welcome to wander to the trig point at the top, but the route already incorporates a more panoramic view. At the point marked as ‘Tumulus’ on your map, you will find a small earthen mound. Looking out from there, the vista of the whole valley opens out below you.
Take it in… and take a breath; you’re in for a scenic decent! There is no track on the common ground here, it’s a ride over grassy tussocks, a few streams, and a scattering of bridle gates. When you reach the lower section and leave the common ground, it levels out on a track that keeps along the edge of several fields and a patch of woodland, leading you down into the little town of Blaengarw.
*Approximate time by horse. By bike will be quicker.
We have taken all responsible steps to ensure that these routes are safe and achievable by people with a reasonable level of fitness. However, we accept no responsibility for any accidents or injury resulting from following these routes. Walking and cycling routes change over time. Weather conditions may also affect path surfaces. Please use your own judgement when using the routes based upon the weather and the ability, experience and confidence levels of those in your group.
John Davies